Tobacco Harm Reduction Afghanistan

Tobacco Harm Reduction Afghanistan

The overall aim of THR Afghanistan is to enhance the health of smokers by raising awareness about the dangers of smoking and providing science-backed information to empower individuals to make informed choices, thereby reducing the harms associated with smoking. THR Afghanistan assists smokers in Afghanistan to switch to safer alternatives where they cannot quit smoking combustible cigarettes.

Country profile

The latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that the crude prevalence of tobacco smoking in Afghanistan in 2022 stands at 9.2 percent, with rates of 16.6 percent among males and 1.8 percent among females, respectively [1]. This results in 15,799 annual deaths attributed to tobacco smoking. In 2019, 6 percent of all deaths in the country were linked to tobacco smoking [2].


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Tobacco harm reduction: Past history, current controversies and a proposed approach for the future

Tobacco harm reduction matters

A recent Lancet Editorial1 about the slow pace of tobacco control around the world singled out the UK as a leader in reducing the number of smokers. 

New GSTHR Briefing Paper: Tobacco Harm Reduction Must be Embraced in Sub-Saharan Africa 



(Medical Practitioner)




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