
Country profile

The World Health Organization (WHO) map, based on the latest data, considers Afghanistan to be one of the countries with lower tobacco consumption. That is, every person in the country consumes between 1 and 499 cigarettes annually. Afghanistan has been a member of the WHO Support Convention on Tobacco Control and has made many advances in tobacco control in recent years.

However, a lot of things have to be done because people still die and get sick from cigarette diseases that are still on the rise. The need for citizens' welfare should be improved through accurate information and awareness campaign.

Fast Facts

Marketing Status

There are no specific marketing activities in the markets of Afghanistan for safer alternative products.

Laws and regulations

There are no specific laws and regulations to regulate safer alternative products, like e-cigarettes and snus.

Availability of vapes

Vapes and e-cigarettes are not easily available in the Afghan market. E-cigarettes are not popular among ordinary people.

Availability of snus

Snus is available in the market in Afghanistan seldom.

Smoke-free policy

There are no specific smoke-free policies in the country.

THR polices

There are no specific THR policies in the country; THR Afghanistan is the first initiative on the ground.